Water filters for families in Mozambique
Donation: € 8.000
This project will enable 800 families in communities of the Monapo District, Mozambique to obtain a Siphon Tulip (water) Filter, which will make it possible for them to drink and use safe water. The families in the project area face large problems with regard to water, sanitation and diseases. More than 80% of people experiencing severe problems with regard to basic diseases such as diarrhoea and even cholera, cough, malaria and more.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) advises to treat water at the ultimate destination, the so called 'point of use' by using Home Water Treatment (HWT) with the Siphon Filters.
This means that families using a Siphon Filter do not have to worry about travelling many kilometres a day to purchase water or getting sick from contaminated drinking water. Therefore these family members that previously collected water by walking great distances (mostly women and children) will be able to spent time on different activities, such as going to school or work.